> 文章列表 > 适合摘抄的神仙惊艳原耽句子英语




In the world of original danmei novels, there are often phrases and sentences that leave readers speechless due to their poetic and powerful nature. These lines are often described as "immortal" or "god-like" and are popularly referred to as "shenxian jingyan" in Chinese or "godly and stunning lines" in English. In this article, we will explore some of the most beautiful and memorable shenxian jingyan from various original danmei novels, translated into English.

Beauty and Love

"He was a flower among flowers, a star among stars." - "Hua Hua You Long" by Xianyu ZiThis sentence portrays the main love interest, Tianxuan, as someone who stands out even in the midst of other beautiful people. It also suggests that the love between him and the protagonist, Xia Yao, is something special and extraordinary.

"If love isn't a kind of madness, then it's not really love." - "Heaven Official's Blessing" by Mo Xiang Tong XiuThis sentence captures the intense emotion and passion that often accompanies true love. It suggests that love is not rational or logical, but instead, a powerful force that can overtake our minds and hearts.

Sorrow and Pain

"As long as there's hope, despair is just the seasoning." - "Proud Immortal Demon Way" by Moxiang TongxiuThis phrase speaks to the hardships and struggles that characters often face in danmei novels. It suggests that even in the midst of pain and suffering, there is always a glimmer of hope that can sustain us.

"Loving someone means giving them the power to break your heart, but trusting them not to." - "Tian Guan Ci Fu" by Mo Xiang Tong XiuThis sentence captures the vulnerability and risk that comes with loving someone deeply. It also speaks to the importance of trust in a relationship, despite the potential for heartbreak.

Desire and Possession

"I want you to think of me, even if it's just a single thought in the deepest corner of your mind." - "The Husky and His White Cat Shizun" by Meatbun Doesn't Eat MeatThis line expresses the protagonist's yearning for the love interest and the desire to be thought about, even if it's just in passing. It speaks to the depth of feelings that often arise in danmei novels.

"I want to possess you, but I know that I never will." - "The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System" by Mo Xiang Tong XiuThis sentence captures the complicated and often conflicting emotions that come with desire. It suggests that the protagonist wants the love interest, but also understands that possession is not possible or desirable.

Final Thoughts

These are just a few examples of the many shenxian jingyan found in original danmei novels. They are powerful and poetic expressions of love, sorrow, desire, and hope that often resonate deeply with readers. As these novels gain more and more popularity around the world, it's clear that the beauty of these phrases can transcend language and cultural barriers and touch the hearts of readers everywhere.