> 文章列表 > 生日祝贺信英语作文落款




Birthdays are special occasions that celebrate the life of an individual. It is a day to be cherished and pampered. It is also a day when friends and family shower the individual with love and blessings. One of the ways to show affection is by sending a birthday wish. A birthday wishing letter is a beautiful way to express your love and feelings for the person celebrating their birthday. In this article, we will talk about '落款,' a vital element of a birthday wishing letter in English.

落款: Definition and Importance

'落款' is a term used to refer to the closing of a letter. It includes the writer's name, title, and contact information. In simple terms, it is the signature of the writer. In a birthday wishing letter, '落款' holds immense importance. It gives the personality to the letter and adds a personal touch. It shows that the writer has taken time and effort in preparing the letter, making the birthday card or selecting a gift. A letter without '落款' feels incomplete, and the recipient may not be able to identify who sent the letter.

落款: Format and Examples

The format for '落款' is as follows:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact information

The following are examples of '落款' for a birthday wishing letter:

  • Best Wishes,
  • [Name]
  • [Address]
  • [Contact information]

Another example:

  • Warmest Regards,
  • [Name]
  • [Address]
  • [Contact information]

落款: Tips to Keep in Mind

When adding the '落款' to a birthday wishing letter, there are specific tips to keep in mind. Firstly, check the spelling of the name and address. It is crucial to get the details correct. Secondly, select the appropriate salutation when addressing the recipient, such as 'Dear,' 'My Dearest,' 'Dearest,' 'Beloved,' etc. Thirdly, keep the format of the letter and '落款' consistent. Lastly, don't add too much information in '落款.' Keep it simple and tidy.


A birthday wishing letter's '落款' is an essential element that can make a letter complete and heartfelt. It is a final gesture of the writer's love and affection towards the recipient. It is essential to follow the correct format while keeping the letter's tone and content personal and specific to the recipient. A birthday wishing letter's '落款' holds great significance and should not be neglected while preparing the letter.